
Transport for NSW Mobile Rego Inspections


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Engine Belt 101

The serpentine belt is one of the most important components in your car. As its name suggests, the serpentine belt is a long, winding rubber belt that loops around spinning engine components. It’s typically made of high-quality reinforced rubber and has multiple...

5 Major Signs That You Need Brake Service

Nowadays, a light press on the brake pedal can slow your vehicle to a complete stop, all thanks to the complexities of your braking system. Like other parts of your car that go to work every day, your brakes are prone to wear out over time—especially your brake pads....

Reasons Your Check Engine Light is On

If you find yourself in this situation light pops up in your dashboard. It looks like the outline of a car’s engine, and the words “check” or “check engine” might appear next to it. It’s the check engine light. While it’s often assumed that the check engine light...

Safe Driving – Seatbelt Rules and Safety

Failure to wear a seat belt is one of the leading causes of road crash death for crash-involved vehicle occupants. Each year around 40 people are killed on NSW roads because they’re not wearing a seatbelt, and around 350 people are injured. These deaths and...

Safe Driving – Speed Limits

Speeding is the number one killer on NSW roads. Following these rules will help keep you, and others, safe on our roads. On roads where there’s no speed limit sign, you must not drive faster than the default speed limit: 50km/h in ‘built-up areas’ – areas with street...

Maximizing the Life of Your Vehicle

Maintaining your car properly so it will last long is very important. Performing routine maintenance like oil changes and transmission services prevents mechanical failures in the long run and promotes the car’s overall health. But did you know that your driving...