Transport for NSW Mobile Rego Inspections


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Driving a vehicle that’s not registered is illegal except in very limited circumstances. You may be liable for compensation of any person injured in an accident involving an unregistered vehicle.

Rules for unregistered vehicles

There are checks and rules in place to keep every vehicle on the road as safe as possible and ensure vehicles are registered. Vehicles are unregistered when their registration expires, is canceled, or is suspended. Unregistered vehicles are unlikely to be covered by compulsory third-party insurance (CTP). You may be liable for compensation of any person injured in an accident involving an unregistered vehicle.

When is a vehicle unregistered?

A vehicle becomes unregistered when:

  • the registration is not renewed by the expiry date, or
  • the registration is canceled or suspended.


Enforcement cameras detect unregistered vehicles. They check your number plate for valid registration and CTP insurance.


There are heavy penalties for using an unregistered or uninsured vehicle in NSW. This includes driving and parking the vehicle on a road or road-related area. Fines may also apply if you are the last registered operator of an unregistered vehicle.

If you get caught by police driving an unregistered vehicle, they can:

  • give you a fine
  • seize or remove your number plates
  • seize your vehicle.

There are also penalties for:

  • parking an unregistered vehicle on a road or road-related area for more than 15 days
  • speeding while driving unregistered.

When you can drive an unregistered vehicle
You can only drive an unregistered vehicle if you’re getting or renewing your registration or have an unregistered vehicle permit.

How to renew a vehicle registration?

All vehicles except trailers and caravans must have CTP insurance (also known as a green slip). CTP insurance covers death and personal injury when you or the person driving your vehicle is at fault in an accident. In some circumstances, CTP insurance covers you regardless of who was at fault. Vehicles registered in NSW must use a NSW CTP insurer.

Most vehicles require an annual safety inspection (pink slip). Your registration renewal notice tells you if your vehicle needs an inspection. If you are changing terms, you must request a new renewal notice to see if the inspection requirements have changed.


Pink Slip Today can come to you for any vehicle service, repair, and inspection needs. Send an SMS or Call us for a free quote!