Transport for NSW Mobile Rego Inspections


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Time to recharge your car’s air conditioning?

Time to recharge your car’s air conditioning? A fully functioning car air conditioning makes our travel comfortable. However, if you have got into your car and felt warm stuffy air you could be in an uncomfortable journey. This is a very common car air conditioning...

eSafety check or Pink Slip

What is eSafety check or Pink Slip? Transport for NSW maintains inspection and certification schemes to make sure that all vehicles meet minimum safety requirements. Generally, light vehicles more than five years old require a safety check (previously called a pink...

Regional NSW extends remote pink slip trial

Regional NSW extends remote pink slip trial Great News to all as this scheme will allow getting a pink slip at a time and place that suits them. From December the trial will be further expanded into regional areas including Wagga Wagga, Tamworth, Port Macquarie, Blue...

TfNSW Mobile Pink Slips – Mobile rego checks

As you may be aware the TfNSW, which stands for Transport for NSW, has been conducting a six month trial for mobile pink slips or as they otherwise known Mobile Rego checks. The way this works is you can now have an authorized inspection station who will come to you...